
19 April 2009

What a Difference a Day Makes...and some sunshine

The sun came out this morning and it was warm all day....water from yesterday...mostly gone...DH got the tiller out and harnessed up......I dug out the compost bin and opened bags of pics of that lovely scene, suffice to say, I was grubby.

Tomato bed....

Satisfying end result of the day...8 tomato plants, 4 jalapeno plants, four rows of peas, green beans, and corn. We planted those in the same mounds. We hope the peas and green beans will use the corn stalks to climb up. We are also trying cucumbers this year. We have space for more tomatoes and hot peppers. It's been a good day.....


Mary (Bookfan) said...

I hope everything comes up the way you want : ) Send me some homemade salsa in a few months, ok???

Vickie said...

Mary: You bet! I should post the pic of the 'herb garden'. It's a big galvanized tub that has cilantro, garlic and chives so far.