
01 August 2007

Choosing something to listen to....

I choose audiobooks on RecordedBooks for my wishlist, sometimes because the author, intriguing title, or because I like the narrator. I don't have control over what they send when, so this last group was a whole lotta Bubbles Yablonskey. And I love Bubbles, don't get me wrong, but I like a little space between my series or characters or authors. And the last group didn't have good choices due to narrators for the most part and I discovered I'd already read one of them, Bubbles Unbound. So, four BOT are going back today or tomorrow.

The narrator can make or break an audiobook. It may be shallow of me, but there it is. I wanted to like Nail Biter, but the narrator irritated me. Same with 1776, it is narrated by the author David McCullough and I wasn't happy with it. Life is too freakin' short for anything to be bad about a book. I love McCullough as an author, so will definitely get 1776 in handheld format.

Went to B&N and picked up Rachel Caine Glass Houses: The MorganVille Vampires #1 as well as CD version of HP 7. That is one series and one narrator I will listen to over and over and in a row. I break for Harry Potter.


Anonymous said...

I've only read Glass Houses in this series by Rachel Caine. The bookstores in Paducah don't carry the Morganville Vampire series. I'll have to order on line. That's how I got the first one.

Vickie said...

Alita: Send me your snail mail address and I will send this Rachel Caine when I am done. It will likely be my next bedside or purse book. I am need of a vampire fix (so to speak...).