
15 January 2008

What am I reading now??

Tape 9 of 9 BLIND DESCENT - Nevada Barr in the vehicle, not sure what will be next. Maybe the third Dexter. It's been waiting patiently since November. I am almost finished with purse book THE MONKEY'S RAINCOAT - Robert Crais and I started my preview of DEAD GIRLS' DANCE - Rachel Caine last night. I know it's going to be good, but I want to keep up with my previews. Don't want to get caught in line or at the gym with a bad purse book! I read myself awake this morning with DEATH'S ACRE - Dr Bill Bass and Jon Jefferson. Just did not want to get out of bed just yet, so read until I was reasonably more awake. Didn't want to go back to sleep or I'd have overslept and missed my workout (and time with Elvis Cole).

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