
28 March 2008

WITCHLING - Yasmine Galenorn

Very very good start to this paranormal trilogy. The trilogy is about all of the D'Artigo sisters, but the focus and narration in first person is by one of the sisters in each one. The first one is told by Camille, the witch, hence the title.
The sisters are half-human, half-faerie, they're operatives for the Otherworld Intelligence Agency here on Earth, specifically in Seattle WA. OtherWorld, or OW, is in chaos and the demons from the sub-realms are trying to take over there and on Earth. The sisters are tasked with ensuring that this does not occur.
If you like entertaining paranormal mystery/romance, then this is your book and your series. Not necessary to read in order. I've already read CHANGELING, second in the series, and it did not diminish my enjoyment one iota in this one. Cannot wait to read the third in the series, DARKLING.


Anonymous said...

If it weren't for the fantasy farie thing, I'd bite. I like paranormal, but more with vamps and weres. I don't like faries.

Vickie said...

J Kaye: This isn't faeries, this paranormal at its coolest. One sister is a were-cat, one is a witch and one is a vampire. It's got dragons, giants, all kinds of good stuff.

Anonymous said...

I could have sworn I saw the world! I'd just been reading another blog that had them...maybe it was a carry-over. (Like there is such a thing.)

Anonymous said...

Just checked and our library has this book, plus two other ones from her. I'm on it!

Vickie said...

J Kaye: The series is cool to read. And there might be one or two faeries, but not a predominant theme.