Meet Paula Holliday, a transplanted media exec who trades her stillettos for garden clogs when she makes the move from the big city to the suburbs to start a gardening business. Paual can handle der, slugs, and the occasional human pest---but she's not prepared for the mummified body she finds while restoring the gardens for Halcyon, a local landmark.
Casual snooping turns serious when a body is impaled on a garden tool and one of Paual's friends is arrested for the crime. Aided by the still-hot aging rocker who owns the neighborhood greasy spoon, a wise-cracking former colleague, and a sexy Mexican laborer with a few secret of his own, Paula digs for the truth and unearths more dirty business the town has kept buried for years......
I love cozies and I love gardening, so choosing this book among the new cozies coming out was easy-cheesy. It pretty much made its way quickly to the top of the stack to read. It was my purse book as it fit the criteria (small enough to fit, easy to remember the story between reading time, fast moving story) and it didn't take long to read through this one thanks to sip'n'read times every once in a while and a wait for my car registration. And it was a good story.
The story has the gardening background to keep me interested and some good quirky characters, especially the side characters who help Paula investigate.
The mystery was a little loosey-goosey, but a decent one that kept me guessing and I was startled at the end with the whodunnit.
My one ishy bit was Paula's off and on issues with working out or what she ate. I either skipped over the part where she explained her issues or that she had been heavy in the past or her family had a propensity for weight, but she gardens and as hard as she works at that, the other issues of how much she'd have to run to work off something she'd eaten that wasn't healthy kind of bugged me. That could be because I deal with the weight issues in my own way, but I don't remember it being explained.
I do hope Felix comes back to town...he sounded yummy.....
All the way around, a good sturdy mystery with a fab premise and I look forward to reading more of this series.
Four diggin' in the dirt can lead to mystery beans...
It can get annoying when a character worries about their weight too much can't it? I'm a runner and it still annoys me when characters talk about having to run off some extra calories, etc.
Sounds like it was good all around though, so I'll be adding it to my wish list.
Kris: It was a good book with only that eensy bit of gah! factor in there. The character just never mentioned a weight issue, but would dwell on what she ate and what she'd have to do to get rid of it.
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