We started bright and early Sunday morning with a 6 mile walk (just Seester and I partook of this). Each morning afterwards was a four mile walk for me and six mile run for Seester. Then it was on to building the arbor behind Dad's pool. He needs shade big time out there in humid eastern Kansas, so the arbor will help do the trick.
We also mowed his 2.5 acres, saw IronMan2 and Prince of Persia (both hellah good), went to Fort Scott to the feed store, hardware store and sale barn (where livestock are bought and sold for those not in the know) and check on Mom's garden. We received copious rain, so we didn't really have to worry, but it's always fun to check in with the hometown.
Made one trip to DQ and several trips to Hawaiian Shave Ice booth at night and a couple of trips to Daylight Donuts where I located a new sensation called a Pinecone (YUM).
A good week of working hard, eating well, having fun in the pool....it's why we started calling it Spa Week..... 
Lady K doing her part in the above photos....keeping the tools straight and the frogs entertained
Seester and Dad work team
And the lovely mostly finished product....Dad will put up trellises on two sides for wisteria vines to climb and cover the roof for even more shade and we will put in a wood floor if Dad wants to next year
Vickie, you all accomplished so much and it looks great! I'm glad Lady K took care of the frogs-LOL!!
Wow great job on the Pergola, perhaps you'd like to pop over and build me one too!
Looks like a fun week and Lady K is cute as ever.
All this AND you changed the look of your blog??? Or have I just been skimming in the reader for way too long?
Sounds like a wonderful time with family. And Daylight Donuts? Love that name :)
PS I moved to WordPress (and two days later blogger made some nice template changes, sigh). Still tweaking the new digs but I wanted to give you a heads up.
I remember looking for frogs when I was a younger kid at my grandparents place. It was always a blast. Then we took them home where they would be found months later, a dried little husk. (Yes, I know you wanted to hear that.)
Sounds like you had a great time!
I love the new look for the blog! Perfect for the summer.
Sherri: She kept those frogs in line.
Sarah: It's funny how many people are asking if we hire out. *grin*
Mary: I changed my blog look when I got home. Thank goodness blogger made it so easy.
RuthAnn: I loved toads, frogs, horned toads (in Texas), worms, all kinds of eeshy critters.
Thanks for the compliments on my new look. I love it, too. Springy/sunshiney....
It looks like you had a fabulous trip! I'm amazed that you built the arbor so quickly! I like your new template...the comments are a bit light though and hard to read on your blog. I'll have to check out the template design changes as I could use a change on my blog.
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