
27 May 2008

Giving up on books....

Lord NO! Not forever!! That would be like taking away my oxygen. Could barely hope to exist without my books!
Just have been having less than good luck with my audiobooks lately. Just this morning I decided to give up on BLUE LIGHT - Walter Mosley. Before that was VAGABOND - Bernard Cornwell and QUEEN OF ANGELS - Greg Bear. I practically will myself to listen to 3 or 4 of the tapes and just cannot make myself go on. I look them up on Recordedbooks and add them to my wishlist to try something different or just because they sound good at the time. Then they arrive in the mail and languish in the container they come in until I feel semi in the mood. Then....nope...not so much.
So now listening to a surefire hit, ALL TOGETHER DEAD - Charlaine Harris. It's one I own and have kept on Mt Git'r'Read for just such an 'emergency'.
Just checked my wishlist and have some really good ones on the way from RecordeBooks:
THE PRESTIGE - Christopher Priest
THE QUILTER'S HOMECOMING - Jennifer Chiaverini


Joy said...

It's a bummer when we hit a dry spell, but like you said - good books are on the way! :) Hang tight.

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Good luck with the books coming your way!

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Vickie, I picked up Twilight today. Are you reading or listening?

Vickie said...

Mary: Reading it. It's very good, but I don't seem to get enough time with it!