
31 July 2011

Blooms on Sunday - 31 Jul 2011 - Before and After

The new veggie garden beforeAnd's still a little wild and wooly and only the tomatoes and peppers are doing much.. And the pumpkin we didn't plant.....

The 'Funky Garden' before......

And after.....just look at that crop of sunflowers...we have some happy bees and birds now


Mary (Bookfan) said...

Your garden looks great! I only put a couple of tomato plants in and they haven't contributed to my salads or BLTs yet. Love the surprise pumpkin!

Vickie said...

Mary: That's what cracks me up about our gardens. Each year we get surprise pumpkins. We figure they survive the compost bin and make their presence known. *grin*

I am not so patiently waiting for our tomatoes to start producing for my salads and BLTs too.

Imzadi Dragonfly said...

What a fun looking garden. Yay for the pumpkin. How long do they grow?

Vickie said...

Jenna: The pumpkins will hang in there through the fall. I'll keep updating as they grow.

Aurian said...

Great pics again Vickie, I totally love it.

Vickie said...

Aurian: Thank you. I love how much a person can do with plants. The butterflies, bees and hummingbirds are ecstatic.