It's been snowing since yesterday afternoon and it's still going. Supposed to go until 5pm today....we will see how that plays out...I am digging the moisture and mellow time. We don't have to go anywhere today, so we can chill (pardon the pun), shovel snow, be mellow with popcorn and movies (or beer and football for DH) all day today.....I like it!

Freshly fallen snow is so beautiful. Though I must admit to still being a little snow shy from last year's snow/ice storm.
Jenna: I don't like ice storms at all, freezing rain and all that jazz. Blech!
Snow I love, I just don't like the other drivers out there. I'd as soon be home safe and snug and watching it snow and then go out and shovel a while, go sledding and all the fun stuff.
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