31 October 2010
30 October 2010
29 October 2010
NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEED: A Haunted Guesthouse Mystery - E J Copperman
IRON LAKE: A Cork O'Connor Mystery #1 - William Kent Krueger, narr David Chandler

Cork O'Connor loses his job as sheriff in small-town Aurora, Minnesota, after being blamed for a tragedy on the local Anishinaabe Indian reservation. And now he faces losing his family, too, when his wife files for divorce. But he'll have to set aside his personal demons when a young boy goes missing on the sameday retired judge commits suicide---and no one but O'Connor suspects foul play.
Krueger won the Barry Award for Best First Novel and the Minnesota Book Award for this stellar series debut, as well as his first of several Anthony Awards. Narrator David Chandler's thrilling performance of this bone-chilling mystery will leave listeners craving more.
My friend, Lynne, who lives in Minnesota, loves this series. She recommended it a couple of years ago. It took a year or so for me to get it on the WWBL, then another year to find it and get it onto Mt Git'r'Read. I found it on Recorded Books and added it to my wishlist there. I bumped it up to the top and it arrived on my doorstep.
I swear I don't know why I waited so long to read or listen to this superb mystery. It's more than a mystery suspense. It's a book about a man trying to figure out where his life took such a different path than the one he wanted. He is no longer the sheriff, no longer a family man, no longer sure he knows what he wants from life.
The mystery has plenty of twists that are spectacular, but make sense. There is nothing that is contrived.
I'll get my print copy of this book to my dad who will then get it to my sister and there will be two more fans of Krueger and this series.
Five superb thriller in the cold sparkly diamonds......

27 October 2010
Wanton Wantin' Book List Wednesday - 27 OCT 2010

MURDER AT THE PTA: PTA Mystery #1 - Laura Alden, cozy
MYSTIC WITCH - Mark All, UF, TPB, harstan likes
THE WINDUP GIRL - Paolo Baciagalupi, steampunk/sci-fi, TPB, recommended by Jeanne and Mario
RAVEN BLACK: Shetland Island Quartet Book One - Ann Cleeves, Brit thriller
FUNDRAISING THE DEAD: A Museum Mystery #1 - Sheila Connelly, cozy mystery
PETTY MAGIC: Being the Memoirs and Confessions Miss Evelyn Harbinger, Temptress and Troublemaker - Camille DeAngelis, paranormal funny, rec by Becky(nomoregrumpybookseller)
WOLF MOON - Charles de Lint, fantasy
THE GREYFRIAR (Vampire Empire Book One) - Clay Griffith and Susan Griffith, steampunk
THE SEANCE - John Harwood, Victorian horror
TWISTED LADDER - Rhodi Hawk, Souther gothic thriller
HOOKED ON MURDER: Crochet Mystery #1 - Betty Hechtman
GRACE UNDER PRESSURE: A Manor of Murder Mystery - Julie Hyzy, cozy mystery
THE DEAD PATH - Stephen M Irwin, thriller/horror (as rec by Becky, nomoregrumpybookseller)

From the back of the BOCD: A moving tale of love and courage, THE GUERNSEY LITERARY AND POTATO PEEL PIE SOCIETY starts in 1946 when the residents of Guernsey---an English Channel island that was heavily occupied by Nazis during the war---begin recounting their experiences through letters.
26 October 2010
JUGGLER IN THE WIND: The Wand Bearer Trilogy Part One - Wim Coleman and Pat Perrin

From the back of the book: "Now here I was, holding the wand in my own hand, an object of uncanny power. And I felt that power beginning to seep through me, charging me with an energy I had never experienced before, healing all my wounds with each passing second....it dawned on me that I was being tested, called upon to prove something about myself."
When a ragtag circus shows up in the town of Buchanan, Kansas, fourteen-year-old Randy Carmichael faces a deep mystery. Why is his alcoholic mother so troubled by the troupe's arrival? What does Circus Olympus mean to her past--and to Randy's future? Voices summon him , a godlike figure appears in his deams, and supernatural adversaries lie in wait for him as he embarks on a dangerous quest that will take him beyond mortal reality.
I received this from LibraryThing's drawing last month. It's my first YA from them and I hope it won't be my last. I like to read a well written book that intrigues me with premise, characters and story. This one is a little rough around the edges, but it hit all the requisite cylinders for me to enjoy the ride.
I like the direction the start of this trilogy is going. There is mythology and possible deities in the mix. The mystery of who Randy is remembering himself to be, who the Circus Olympus might be and where the journey is going.
I do look forward to the rest of this trilogy and I will be looking for more of the authors' books.
Four mythical journey beans......

25 October 2010
Books in the House Monday - 25 OCT 2010

24 October 2010
Lady K Chickie Rite of Passage
Lady K went from not ever wanting to have ears pierced to wanting it done as a birthday present when she turns 8, to asking to having them done this weekend. It was Mommie and Me moment at Claire's at the Orchard Center. Thankfully, she saw a girl getting her ears pierced yesterday at the Claire's at the Castlerock Outlet Mall so she was prepared.
22 October 2010
SHAKEN: Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels Mysteries #7 - J A Konrath

I went out of sequence since I don't mind reading a book that way so long as I have a wee cranium's up for the jump in time. Joe complies and I did just fine.
This is a thriller in the finest sense of the genre. Mr. K is a killer who Jack has been tracking for 20 some years. The story goes back and forth through time, beginning with Jack's realization that she has been abducted.
The rest of the book is bringing the reader up to date on Jack's life over the past 20 years, going from rookie cop to private sector investigator. And hunting Mr. K.
I enjoyed watching her learn about Armani and Ralph Lauren clothing in the 80s when she mostly shops at Sears.
What I like most about this series (and this author) is laughing and being freaked out in the same chapter. Dry humor that has me laughing out loud and the graphic scenes that has me squinching myself into my chair to get far away from the murder/torture being depicted on the page. That's talent and a very good book.
Favorite characters....Jack definitely since she's so sure of herself and she's the good guy. Herb and harry, especially Harry, since he makes me laugh. I surround myself with people like Harry. I do love to 'snort laugh'. Herb is a sweetie and a good friend to Jack. My friends are like that too.
I read this in one day, peeps!! It was difficult to put down, so I didn't.
The book had a helluva WTF cliffhanger and I cannot wait to read STIRRED, the collaborative work of art of Joe Konrath and Blake Crouch. Blake is the author of the extremely terrifying DESERT PLACES, LOCKED DOORS, ABANDON, and SNOWBOUND....I have read one and working up the nerve to read the rest.
Go forth and read the Jack Daniels series and anything else that J A Konrath/Jack Kilborn has written and anything he has collaborated on, and, hell, anything he recommends...no, I'm not sucking up, he's just never steered me wrong.
Five not sucking up this is damn good sparkly diamonds.....

18 October 2010
Books in the House Monday - 18 Oct 2010

AWAKENING - S J Bolton, thriller, HB
LibraryThing September win:
JUGGLER IN THE WIND: Wandbearer Trilogy Book One - Wim Coleman and Pat Perrin, YA fantasy, TPB
CHAPTER AND HEARSE: Booktown Mystery #4 - Lorna Barrett, cozy mystery, MPB
DEEPLY, DESPERATELY: Lucy Valentine #2 - Heather Webber, cozy paranormal mystery, MPB
POISON: A Novel of the Renaissance - Sarah Poole, suspense, TPB
THE MISSING INK: Tattoo Shop Mystery #1 - Karen E Olson, cozy mystery, MPB
DARK AND STORMY KNIGHTS - Anthology of Jim Butcher, Ilona Andrews, Carrie Vaughn, Vicki Pettersson, and more....
WINGS TO THE KINGDOM: Eden Moore Story #2 - Cherie Priest, paranormal suspense, TPB
From Ginny on WW BTO:
CALL THE DEAD AGAIN - Ann Granger, British mystery
17 October 2010
Blooms on Sunday - 17 Oct 2010
15 October 2010
DRACULAS: A Novel of Terror -F Paul Wilson, Jeff Strand, Blake Crouch, and Jack Kilborn

This ain't no TWILIGHT, shiny sparkly vampire book...ruh-ruh....DRACULAS is butt-ugly fromthe get-go. And I mean that in the best way possible. Four authors who have scared the bejeezus out of me in the past with their books have collaborated to write this scarey-ass ode to the uber-Daddy of the vampires, Dracula. (they do apologize in the acknowledgements)
Dracula's skull (fangs and all) has been discovered by a farmer in Transylvania. Mortimer Moorecook purchases the skull for an unnamed price...all hell breaks loose from there.
Mortimer is dying and decides he want to not go into that dark night...he takes matters into his own hands and uses the skulls fangs to bite himself in the neck. It isn't pretty.
The story is told through different points of view. Each moving on through the story is seen as it is happening to that person. The reader gets to know each character, good and bad, incompetent and reluctant hero.
I had some laugh out loud moments, especially with Randall, the quarter shy of a dollar dim lumberjack. Like this line, "His chainsaw-the-monster redemption would be a lot better if his ass wasn't hanging out." I sort of had images Bruce Campbell's character, Ash J Williams, of Evil Dead eminence when I read Randall's scenes.
Even through the scary parts (and it's all scary), there is laughter and tears...yeah I cried. These are four splendid authors who can do this to a reader.
PS...and now I really hate clowns...
PPS/PSS..whatever...did you know that nondairy coffee creamer was flammable? READ THE BOOK!
This e-book will be released on 19 October. You can pre-order here. I jumped at the chance to review this. You should jump at the chance to read it.
A big scary bowl of diamonds rating here.....

11 October 2010
AVENGING ANGELS: Beaufort & Company #3 - Mary Stanton

10 October 2010
Halloween Decorations are starting to go up....
Go See Secretariat!!!

The movie is more than a story of a horse who won the Triple Crown, it's the story of the people who believed in him. The people who made this movie did the best filming angles, story writing, acting. I kept laughing at the funniest bits and raising my fists in victory and cheering when Secretariat won each race. Lady K and I danced in our seats at the tunes played, "Oh Happy Day" performed by the Edwin Hawkins Singers and "I'll Take You There" performed by The Staple Singers. The radio is playing in each scene the songs are played as Penny (Diane Lane), Lucien (John Malkovich) and Eddie (Nelsan Ellis) as they are washing down Secretariat. The scenes of laughter, smiles and dancing made me grin and feel so much better.
And it did take me a bit to recognize one of the actors, Nelsan Ellis, playing Eddie, Secretariat's groom and friend. Nelsan is known to me as Lafayette Reynolds on HBO's True Blood. I knew I'd seen those gorgeous eyes and lovely voice somewhere. And it hit me soon enough.
Go see this movie. It will lift you up and make you cheer.
Big bowl of feel good lift you up diamonds....