
25 February 2009


I really enjoy this series. It's a paranormal cozy, nice character development and there are good people to root for and hope they get a break. And there are bad people to intensely dislike and hope something on them breaks.
Maggie is the dependable sister in her family. Her perfect sister, Mel, is pregnant with her third child and is put on bedrest. This suits Mel just fine since she likes being waited on, but now there's a spirit or two in her house to be dealt with....Maggie to the rescue.
Maggie also has her own job at the antique store to handle, as well as two possible suitors vying for her attention. Maggie is also trying to get a grip on her growing abilities and powers, with her boss, Liss, as her guide.
Things are coming to a boil in her little hometown.

Four witchy beans...

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