
17 February 2009

How Addicted to Blogging Are You??

72%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

I shamelessly borrowed this from DeSeRtRoSe (who shamelessly borrowed it from Bella)....


Desert Rose said...

LOL.. 72% you are shamelessly more addicted than I am :)

Sherri said...

I took the quiz Vickie and I'm 50% addicted to blogging! Thanks for sharing the quiz from the other peoples blogs.

Bella Foxx said...

And I shamelessly borrowed it from Bonnie um uh < thud, head hits desk >

RED LADY. Whew, Red-lady Bonnie.

Vickie said...

DeSeRtRoSe: I am pretty bad...or good as the case may be. = )

Sherri: You have other creative know how to make sparklies. This is my one creative outlet...maybe one day I'll write a book like my sister keeps on me about....

Bella: We all borrow shamelessly from somewhere... = )