Still in love with Myron Bolitar. And possibly a teensy crush on Win. This is a series that behooves me to read in order, as well as take my time with. I could get very greedy and read them one after another, like M&Ms (all green ones.....), so I pace myself. This way my time with Myron and Jess and Win and Esperanza is a treat to savor and look forward to.
For those who don't know, Myron is a sport's agent and finds himself righting wrongs for those who need it, whether they realize they need or not. Or want it or not.
Myron is representing Duane Richwood, an up and comer tennis player. A fellow tennis player is murdered. Myron feels compelled to investigate. Enigmatic Win assists. There is a torrid past, input from the Mob, some more killing, a lot of smart-aith remarks that endears Myron to my quirk-lovin' self.
I have placed an addendum to my 'list'. . You know 'the list'....the one where if someone from your 'list' should show up in your life and want to be with you for a short time, your significant other has to oblige gracefully. Anyway, fictional characters can now be added. So Myron joins Matthew McConaughey, Kurt Russell, Tom Selleck, Sam Elliott, Chris Isaak, Harry Connick Jr, John Hannah, Lyle Lovett (hey, it's MY list!).....