I wish I could find a bigger image for Bitchin' Kitchen, my new favorite cooking show on the Cooking Channel.
The premise is awesomely snort laugh funny Nadia G hosting each episode's theme. Tonight was Impressing the In-Laws. It's informative, irreverant and hilarious. Exactly my kind of cooking show.
I've started DVRing the show in case I miss anything. DH just caught part of it and sat down to watch....I think Nadia's sass might have won him over.
It comes on Wednesday night at 10:30pm ET and a replay on Saturday night at 11pm ET.
I love cooking shows, even though I don't like cooking. I am also in awe of what the cooks make in such short time, and how great it looks. I hope this show will be bought so I can see it in a few years.
Aurian: It is sooooo good! It's online from what I read on the Cooking Channel site, but it's on later at night due to her crazy antics.
I love cooking shows way better than I love to cook. I like to cook, but not in love with it. Thankfully, DH loves to cook and grills like a god. A blessing.
Thanks for the shout out! :D
Glad y'all are watching
XO The BK Crew
O..M..G!!! Thank you for the stopover. I do love your show and I will continue to shout the word. Yo Nadia G!
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