
17 February 2008


Finished this morning. I am already looking forward to the next in the series, MOON IN THE MIRROR. All of the characters are interesting, especially the bad guys - the demons. Tess makes for a fab heroine with emotional baggage galore and wanting to fix the world, one demon portal a time. My favorite character is Scrap, her imp. He's a delight and needs a good pop upside the head every once in a while. He is devoted to his 'babe', Tess, emotionally and psychically.
The book is laced with demons who have apparently been around for a long while on Earth, with sightings in Washington state. Big, furry, manlike creatures....yeah, those guys of folk legend....
I recommend this book to any who enjoy a good paranormal romp, good mix of humor and a dash into the fantasy/sci-fi conventions.

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