
28 January 2011

Save Publishing and Authors....READ A BOOK at Bedtime!

Author Sean Cummings, over at Dark Central Station (Authors Playing With Dead Things), has this request going out. Please help publishing, helping authors, READ A BOOK AT BEDTIME! I know I do my part by reading before going to sleep, I have to or I won't sleep very well. This helps my monthly book journal increase since I get the most reading time at night. The other ones that fair almost as well are the audio books in the car for the 90 min daily commute for work.
So go forth and do your part, read a book at bedtime and help the publishing world stay around. And go over to Dark Central Station for a visit. They pretty much rock.


Mary (Bookfan) said...

I'd say you do your part! I'm trying my best too (morning, noon and night) ;-)

Vickie said...


Unknown said...

I have always read before sleeping, it's how I turn my brain off!

Aurian said...

I'm always reading, and buying tons of books a year, so I guess that is helping my fav. authors too!

Vickie said...

Sarah: That's how I am, too. I mellow out to a nice story and then go nicely to sleep. Of course, it depends what I am reading. Sometimes the book ends up in my dreams....

Aurian: YAY!

Sherri said...

You definitely do your part Vickie! I need to read more, knitting has taken some of my reading time. I love them both, but I will have to split my time evenly in the future-I really miss reading alot!

Vickie said...

Sherri: I am nothing if not a team player. *smile* Maybe you can listen to books while you knit. I used to do that when I did cross-stitch.